Hinokiya Fudousan Co., Ltd.

“Smart One City:” detached housing series that incorporates the level of quality and ideas for planning that Hinokiya Fudousan cultivated in the area of custom homes.

With its “Smart One City” series, in addition to creating a rich living environment for families to newly inhabit that location, Hinokiya Fudousan engages in the development of worthwhile urban environments that find longstanding favor among established local residents. The buildings in this series incorporates designs with superior seismic resistance, durability, heat insulation, airtightness, livability and other elements infused with the innovative ideas and techniques cultivated by Hinokiya Fudousan in the area of custom homes, all while retaining the same level of quality as their custom home counterparts.

Home reform work
Insulation reform work
Quake-proofing reform work
Exterior work

Richly-original living arrangements made possible with uniquely-developed products and ideas for planning.

Hinokiya’s Idea

communication bridge

”communication bridge”

Rooftop garden, Aozora Living

Rooftop garden, “Aozora Living”

Attic storage space with fixed stairs

Attic storage space with fixed stairs